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Review flashcards

reviewButton The review function has been specifically designed to enable the user to review flashcards that were previously studied in the Flash panel.

Memory retention and flashcard statistics in the past

reviewBar The review panel page provides users with statistics based on their previous flashcard review history. The plot on this page displays bars representing the number of flashcards that have been reviewed. The green area of the plot displays the percentage of memory retention based on a slightly modified version of the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve, as introduced by Hermann Ebbinghaus. The inclusion of this curve aids users in gaining an intuitive overview of their progress.

Furture review plan

reviewCell The second statistics in the review panel offers a glimpse into the pre-planned reviewing schedule for the upcoming 6 months. The displayed number indicates the count of words that can be reviewed in the app, in case it is opened for review during this period.

Supplementary information

  • Review planner - The current version of the application does not allow the user to modify the pre-planned reviewing schedule. This feature may be added in future versions of the application.
  • Personalized forgetting curve - In future versions, the application may consider implementing a heuristic function to adapt the forgetting curve based on the individual user's learning pace.